SNI Nivel I / Perfil PRODEPPertenece a:División de Estudios JurídicosDivisión de Estudios Políticos y SocialesDepartamento de Derecho PúblicoDepartamento de Estudios PolíticosDoctorado en DerechoMaestría en DerechoCurrículum:Doctor en Derecho Constitucional por la Carlos III de Madrid, España LGAC: Derecho ConstitucionalPRONACE: Temas Prioritario – Seguridad Humana – Derechos Humano
The contests of this collections of works, all produced by members of the Doctoral Program in Law of the University of Guadalajara, have in common a profund reflection on what separates local and national law form the international dispositions in vogue, with the aim of preventing the ever -closer obsolescense of Law.The works we decided to publish are divided into the five main steams of knwol...